Terms of Service

1. The Terms and Conditions form the basis of the Agreement entered into by and between the owner and operator of the website www.happysoultarot.com (‘Service Provider’) and yourself (‘Consumer’). All information or services provided by the Service Provider are provided subject to these terms and conditions, whether free of charge or for consideration. By accessing the website www.happysoultarot.com (‘Website’) or any of its services, the Consumer agrees to be bound to the below Terms and Conditions.

2. Any payments made to the Service Provider by means of credit cards, debit cards, or PayPal charge services are processed by third-party processors (‘Payment Gateway’) who process payments securely. In the event you choose to make a payment to the Service Provider, you will be transferred to the appropriate Payment Gateway where the payments shall be processed, in accordance with the terms of the Payment Gateway. The Service Provider accepts no liability for any deficiencies, losses, damages or consequences arising from the use of credit cards, debit cards, or PayPal charge services in conjunction with any Payment Gateway.

3. A refund cannot be issued to the Consumer by the Service Provider once the payment has been made. In case of extenuating circumstances, the case will be reviewed before coming to a decision.

4. The Service Provider provides information and services for entertainment purposes only and does not in any way constitute personal, legal, financial, medical, or any sort of professional advice. We do not provide any kind of medical or healthcare advice or purport to do so. These services will not cure any medical conditions, diseases, injuries, disabilities, or mental illnesses. Information from the Service Provider cannot replace a visit to a doctor, hospital, clinic, psychologist, or psychiatrist. The Service Provider does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information, a reading, or any other service. The Service Provider makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, relevancy, or quality of information. Any loss, damage or liability occasioned to any person (including, without limitation, physical, mental, financial, incidental or consequential) arising from the information, suggestion(s) or advice provided to you through this website is at your own risk and the Service Provider disclaims all liability for the same. No part of the Website constitutes the advertisement of a magical remedy.

5. The Website and any information contained on the Website or in any communications from the Service Provider is on an ‘as is, where is’ basis with no warranties, express or implied.

6. The Consumer represents and warrants that the Consumer is above the age of 16 or the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which the Consumer accesses the Website and that the Consumer is not prohibited from accessing the Website by the laws of the jurisdiction where the consumer resides or accesses the Website.

7. Privacy and Confidentiality: Personal information provided to the Service Provider by the Consumer, including the Consumer’s identity, shall be kept confidential and Draft Terms & Conditions – Privileged and Confidential – except where required and to the extent required by any law, authority, law enforcement authority in the apparent exercise of its duties. The Service Provider shall similarly not divulge any information relating to the Consumer which is received from the Payment Gateway.

8. Advertisements: The Website may contain advertisements, and referrals to and links to other websites either on the Website or in emails. These advertisements and links do not constitute any endorsement, approval, or agreement with any other websites or any information or resources offered at such websites. The Service Provider is not liable for any services or contents linked to from the Website.

9. Copyright: The contents of the Website and of any communications from the Service Provider are the original work and intellectual property of the Service Provider and are protected by Copyright. The Consumer may not copy, reproduce, share, or use any of the contents of the Website or of any communications from the Service Provider without written permission from the Service Provider.

10. Severability: If any provision of this contract is deemed void, unlawful, or unenforceable for any reason, then that provision shall be severed from the rest of the terms and conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining provisions.

11. Variation: The Service Provider reserves the right to update the Terms and Conditions at any time, and the Consumer shall be bound by the Terms and Conditions at the relevant time. The Consumers continued use of the service following changes to the terms of service constitutes acceptance of the amendments, if any. Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to us at enquiry@happysoultarot.com

12. Donations: Happy soul Tarot does not take any responsibility towards the donations made to any of the organisations & associations listed under the page Donate For a Cause. Our website simply introduces these social work organisations & associations to prospective clients who may be willing to donate for any of these social causes by their own will, that too privately. Happy Soul Tarot does not endorse any of these social organisations & associations and are not partnered advertisers with them. We choose to introduce each of these social working organisations & associations and with their consent.